Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thing Koreans Say to me (Part 3)

Part three in my wildly successful and nationally syndicated blog about my day-to-day discussions with people in Korea! These are all actual conversations I have been apart of in Korea and they are usually much longer but these would be the best parts of them. Enjoy!

DRUNK KOREAN: Are we friends?
ME: Sure
KOREAN: We will always fly so time is forever
ME: Yup

ME: (Showing pic of Obama) Who is this?
ME: What is his job?
STUDENT: Obama is gangsters brothers!
ME: …

ME: This is the letter "A"
STUDENT: We are not stupid

STUDENT: Teacher must die!
ME: What?

DRUNK KOREAN: You Jack Black?
ME: Ha yeah ok
DRUNK KOREAN: (yelling at friend in Korean) this is Jack Black!

DRUNK KOREAN: (A man at least 50 years old says to me) 
Hey come here baby!

KOREAN: Get one tonight?
ME: One what?
KOREAN: Get a big one
ME: Big what?
KOREAN: You no understand? But you speak english!

ME: Repeat, she sold seashells by the sea shore
STUDENT: Sushi sushi sushi Buddha sushi horse
ME: (had a heart attack from laughing)

ME: Did you like the music video (referring to "Friday" by Rebecca Black)
STUDENT: African old girl so young, why?

ME: Good morning
STUDENT 1: Die day!
ME: Today is die day?
STUDENT: I die he die teacher die!
STUDENT 2: Teacher want die?

ME: (on the phone talking about paying my cell phone bill)
I would just go there but they don't have any English service
KOREAN: (a stranger who was eavesdropping)
My church have the English time, come to my church!
(gets a pen out and writes directions)

KOREAN STUDENT: Monkey is kiss! Monkey is kiss!

1 comment:

  1. truly great. I am so glad to hear you are spreading the gospel of Rebecca Black.
    Safe travels, Jack.
