Friday, April 15, 2011

Blogging at 200 miles an Hour From My iPhone!

Well this should be interesting. As the title states I am blogging on my iPhone! I promise that this entire blog was written and uploaded from my phone. Not only that but it was done while traveling over 200 miles an hour on Korea's own KTX bullet train.

The reason for my iPhone blog is simple; I was dead set on writing something while I traveled cross-country but my laptop battery was dead set on dying. Sitting in utter silence, in the first class cabin, all by my lonesome, I spoke allowed in frustration "like I am going to blog on my phone!" To my surprise someone answered back "just do it, it's not like you have much else to occupy your time". I was even more surprised when the person answering turned a out to be me. So here I am writing an honest blog with my thumbs.

"So why is he on the KTX?" some of you may be thinking "what does he mean 'cross-country?'" Well friend I am glad you asked. You see a few blogs ago I mentioned that a friend of mine from yesteryear came up from his humble teaching assignment in South South Korea to visit yours truly. So naturally I had to reciprocate and allow him to put me up for a few days. So here is where you find me; iPhone blogging my way to the seascape that is Mokpo, South Korean. What adventures await me? What treasures are there to be had? Most likely a fish smell and salt water but I am crossing my fingers. Mokpo will be quite a change from my usual fast paced city life if my friend is to be believed. According to him and some lazy googling, Mokpo is a rural fishing village with a modest population and demographic. Still I am eager to see yet another part of the world.

Outside my KTX Window
Today I was lucky enough to be released from captivity (school) early for good behavior (I asked), so that I may get an early start on the journey south. It is a about 4 hours by bus and being the impatient/ luxurious individual that I am, I opted to take the KTX and shorten the journey to 2 hours. When I got there the next train only had first-class seating left so I was forced to upgrade, for a staggering 7 dollars more. I really did not care because my taxi ride from school had been gratis. Which one would expect when one's taxi driver scrapes the guard-railing on your side while he dozes off!  So I was thankful for life and feeling like I deserved a little comfort.

Gosh typing on the iPhone is much easier than I thought it would be, except the stupid auto-correct keeps slowing me down. At one point it had me saying that I was traveling 200 miles an hour on a "lesbian train". I wonder what that would look like? Speeding through Asia sitting in between Jodi Foster and Ellen Degeneres while Rosie O'Donell served me coffee? Could be fun, but not as fun as I know Mokpo is going to be. Curse you auto-correct! Every time I type 'Mokpo' I get 'bimbo'. I hope this isn't a sign of what my trip holds for me.

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