Friday, May 20, 2011

Thing Koreans Say to me (Part 4)

These are all actual conversations I have been apart of in Korea and they are usually much longer but these would be the best parts of them. Enjoy!

KOREAN: "hello kitty" in America!
ME: They sure do
KOREAN: My foreigner friend said Obama no like "hello kitty"
ME: I am sure he likes "hello kitty"
KOREAN: HAHAHA, Not "hello kitty", "demo kitsy"

ME: (teaching locations, puts a banana under a table) Where is the banana?
STUDENT: It's in the Philippines

KOREAN: You lost weight so fast!
ME: No
KOREAN: 20 kilos (45 pounds) in 1 day!
ME: I just got a hair cut
KOREAN: Harry Potter weight spell!

ME: (sitting in Taco Bell)
AMERICAN: I came here to really experience the culture, you know, total immersion (stuffs a burrito in his mouth)

STUDENT:(runs up to me) ding dong (pokes my stomach) open the door (unzips my coat) no one home (punches me in my gut)
ME:(wind knocked out, gasping for air)

ME: do you like my haircut?
STUDENT: teacher ugly, Teacher king
ME: I am king?
STUDENT: King kong!

ME: (on a field trip) why no lunch?
STUDENT: I eat your feet
ME: no
STUDENT: (bites my ankle, yes he freaking bit me)

STUDENT: Korea North bad bad
ME: What about South Korea?
STUDENT: South Korea nice nice nice
ME: Why?
STUDENT: Has food, has Kpop

KOREAN: You look like Leonardo DiCaprio from inception
ME: Really?
AMERICAN: Yeah if you took his faced and smashed it with Jack Black's

STUDENTS: Teacher Gulliver, teacher Gulliver!

STUDENT: teacher my best friend! Teacher is best!
ME: you are still in trouble
STUDENT: freedom me freedom!
ME: No
STUDENT: Obama help!

ME: (Sitting on the bus)
KOREAN: (Who I have never met, smelling like vodka and speaking only Korean) You are an A**Hole!

STUDENT: (In reference to my injured finger and to the tune of Mary had a little lamb) Trevan teacher has meat hand, has meat hand, has meat hand,Trevan teacher has meat hand

KOREAN DR: We have to give you 4-5 stitches
ME: Okay no problem
DR: (as he starts) Oh and we have no anesthetic left, so this will hurt

HOT DOCTOR:(coming into the middle of my class) Excuse me I need to look at teeth ME: (Show her mine) DR: The children's Mr. Trebun!

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