Friday, December 17, 2010

Things Korean's Say to Me (Part 1)

I have been posting these on Twitter but someone suggested I add them to my blog, so here is the fist batch of them. These are all actual conversations I have been apart of in Korea, mostly with my 11 and 12 year old students...enjoy!

ME: If we finish early next week we will watch a movie
STUDENT: Watch Harry Potter? 
ME: No, we don't have time or money
STUDENT: My dad does

STUDENT: Teacher ok? 
ME: I'm sick 
STUDENT: What sick? 
ME: You know 'cough, cough' 
STUDENT: Teacher no kiss, make other teacher sick 

STUDENT: Snow...outside 
ME: Yes, I love the snow 
STUDENT: Do you love it? 
ME: Yes 
STUDENT: Marry Snow 
ME: Merry Christmas 
STUDENT: No, snow is wife

ME: Open your book 
STUDENT: Cook? English! 
ME: I said book, with a "B" 
ME: You're right, lets cook

STUDENT: What is your study 
ME: Political Science 
STUDENT: Tutor me in science! 
ME: No, POLITICAL science 
STUDENT: Politics are liars...

STUDENT: Trebin teacher nice met you, make smile happy now? 
ME: Don't tell anyone I am your English teacher...

STUDENT: Teacher is talking strange 
ME: I had my tooth pulled 
STUDENT: Thats why face is fat? 
ME: yes 
STUDENT: You should be this always ...

STUDENT: Trebun teacher, why face hair 
ME: I like it 
ME: Because it makes my face look skinny 
STUDENT: But teacher fat body!

STUDENT: Teacher you like bouncing? 
ME: Uhh...sure 
STUDENT: Me too 
ME: Why do you like bouncing? 
STUDENT: No Bounceahhh! 
ME: Oh Beyonce...

ME: You in trouble? 
ME: China what? 
STUDENT: I go there 
ME: I said trouble not travel 
STUDENT:Oh...give me candy

FEMALE KOREAN TEACHER: You have a massage?
ME: Massage? Uh what?
KOREAN TEACHER: Here (hands me paper)
ME: Oh yeah, a 'message'...

STUDENT: Trebun Teacher! Why they call 'gross series'? 
ME: you mean Groceries?
STUDENT:yes that! They're not gross! 
ME: I don't know...

Also here is an extended list of the names some of my students have chosen as their "English" names:

Boys: Dark Templar, Mr. Bin, Mother, Life Point, Christstar, Flame 
Girls: Lucifer, Diamond, Candy, Cinnamon, Tree, Saint, Jeeze, Beyonce, Gaga

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