Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Just a short one today! I am not too sure what I am going to write, and to be honest I am not a fan of writing something without a point, but I really want to do something other than sit here during my eight hours of silence - I am at work and English classes are canceled. I am hoping to be on here a little more frequently but I am very occupied my many other exciting ventures like sleeping, reading, and eating (primarily eating). One thing I need to do though is work on intellectual stimulation. I try hard to be smart and it takes a lot of effort on my part and my lack lately has me watching my brain slowly melt despite the exceedingly frigged temperatures.
I just found this picture, yes it's me circa Jan 2008
That's it, I will write about the cold. It's so cold. Rarely have I felt this level of frosty embrace without the gift of snow. I love snow. I want snow. I require snow. I don't care if it stops travel or makes me fall or makes all my clothes become instantly soaked the minute I enter a house. Snow has an amazing quality to make everything seem okay. It covers up all the things that are dirty, all the things that don't match, all the things that are ugly. It unifies everything and makes it all look pure. Plus it is fun to throw, jump, and sled in. Sometimes I wish it could snow over my life so it looks nice and unified, but then the thing about snow is that it melts. Its not a purifier, simply a cover up, and there is nothing worse than melting, dirty snow.


  1. Snow
    It won't be long before we'll all be there with snow
    I want to wash my hands, my face and hair with snow

    I long to clear a path and lift a spade of snow
    Oh, to see a great big man entirely made of snow

    Where it's snowing
    All winter through
    That's where I want to be
    Snowball throwing
    That's what I'll do
    How I'm longing to ski
    Through the snow-oh-oh-oh-oh

    Those glist'ning houses that seem to be built of snow
    Oh, to see a mountain covered with a quilt of snow

    What is Christmas with no snow
    No white Christmas with no snow

    I'll soon be there with snow
    I'll wash my hair with snow
    And with a spade of snow
    I'll build a man that's made of snow
    I'd love to stay up with you but I recommend a little shuteye
    Go to sleep
    And dream
    Of snow

  2. yeah so when we watched White Christmas last night, I don't remember saying that it would be ok to do this...
