Friday, March 18, 2011

Things Koreans Say to me (Part 2)

I have been posting these on Twitter and this is my second blog of them! These are all actual conversations I have been apart of in Korea and they are usually much longer but these would be the best parts of them. Enjoy!

STUDENT: I am hungry please buy chicken before
ME: Before what?
STUDENT: Before 7, discount before seven

TAXI DRIVER: I love Canadas
ME: That's nice, Nazarene University please (in Korean)
DRIVER: Where from?
DRIVER: I love the Canadas

ME: Today we are going to watch a movie
STUDENT: I have watch!
ME: So the movie is....

STUDENT: Candy! Teacher I love you!
ME: Yes candy, you can have ONE piece
STUDENT: Teacher is ok...

ME: This is my last time teaching you
STUDENT: Next year English time teach us?
ME: I don't know
STUDENT: (cries)

ME: (Making hand motions) 1 LAR GEE COKE A CO LA . 주세요 (please)
WAITRESS: Ok sir would like anything else?
ME: Sorry

STUDENT: Teacher can I have candy
ME: Why 
STUDENT: So I will love you
ME: I don't care if you love me
STUDENT: I wouldn't love you anyway

ME: just a little shorter, I just want to clean it up
HAIRDRESSER: No! Shorter hair, fatter face!

STUDENT: Trevan teach my class?
ME: No, I teach 3rd grade now
STUDENT: 3rd grade bad English
ME: Yeah, tell me about it

STUDENT: teacher my English name nothing
ME: ok let's try and think of one.
STUDENT: Nothing
ME: Umm
CoTEACHER: The word 'nothing' is his name

ME:(Listening to Flock of Seagulls)
KOREAN: Song about Iran? Iran not happy now
ME: No they are saying "I ran"
KOREAN: Yeah Iran sad today

STUDENT: Teacher eyes sick!
ME: What? No they are fine
STUDENT: Eye 폭발 (explode)!
ME: (Look in mirror) Crap!
STUDENT: (Cries and runs away)

1 comment:

  1. My Taiwanese sister-in-law has a friend who picked the english name Elephant... I'm convinced her English teacher allowed her to keep it out of a sick sense of humor...
