Saturday, October 9, 2010

My Address

Several people have asked me for my mailing address in Korea and because it holds the Guinness World Record for longest-most difficult foreign address, I have decided to post here. I thought that perhaps this would be a bad idea because of junk mail or creepers but I realize that I am often bored so would probably read. Plus many of my friends are creepers. Anyways here is the 411:

Trevan Hauck
Special District of International Education
Korea Nazarene University (Attn. Jenny Kim)
456 Ssangyong-Dong Seobukgu 
Cheonan City Choongnam 331-718 South Korea

Just reading it makes me run out of breath! So if you want to send me something, great! If not thats fine but an elephant never forgets. Also never send anything but letters by FedEx, DHL, or UPS, use regular postage or priority with USPS - not their FedEx service. This is because I will have to pay taxes on whatever you send, even letters sometimes. Have a great day and maybe do something to make someone else's day better. 

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